2022 “EISHO” Corporate Party

What a foreign-trade organization should do to adapt to this “VUCA” time?
What staff is supposed to expect from a corporate party under “VUCA” time - which is short for Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity? No question that we are going through this period, emphasized by pandemic, On 19th January “EISHO” tried to answer some of the most asked questions by holding a corporate party.



EISHO is a group company, who is inspired to create a holistic approach to foreign trade for efficiency-conscious professionals in the business of Storage & Laundry & Decoration items.


34 years' operation is not a long time, nevertheless EISHO has been through a lot of changes since 1988, it used to produce bamboo chopsticks, after a couple of years, it managed to dominate the Japanese market by gaining a market share over 30%, as you can see, "EISHO" is not a typical Chinese name, it was named by one of its Japanese shareholders.
From 2003 EISHO stepped into hanger business, within a decade, EISHO became one of the top 3 hanger manufacturer-exporters in China. EISHO’s also gained trust by providing the most respected apparel brands with tailored-made hangers. The founders of EISHO have been thinking about planning a growth strategy, when EISHO reaches this point of its evolution- diversification is an inevitable way enabling EISHO to look at other markets.


EISHO is seeking growth by diversifying our products horizontally and vertically. Horizontally means throughout more than 20 years working with 400 clients in our customer base, we are asked to carry out more and more purchasing of products related to existing ones, vertically means for the last 20 years, more and more products have been launched thanks to an active collaboration with partners-factories in our existing supply chain.
A significant organizational change in structure has been made at the end of 2021, 5 teams serving customers from different countries were set up or regrouped to provide a customer journey of personalization. The “New Products Department” has been set up to provide new proposals with selected items, aiming to fix some problems that the consumers have been facing for a long time, sometimes tailored changes in designs can be made when required.
Other than that, the “Suppliers Chain Management” has been set up to eliminate the risks of bad quality at the very beginning, moreover, an on-site inspection will be carried out by our inspectors-workers to monitor every status of production, an inspection report will be issued to our customers right after the production is accomplished.
Ready to get started recognizing what does a new EISHO get to do with you?
Our managers are here to help you begin, contact us to get a customized approach to grow and scale your business.



Post time: Apr-19-2022